
Showing posts from June, 2019

Pleasant is equal to positive but unpleasant is equal to what???

See, listen, breath in, nurture only the……                        Gaze at a rising star, Dismiss a warlike war. Listen to a musical voice, Tune out a piercing noise. Breath in the pure, Breath out the sour. Nurture the positive, Rupture the negative. Pleasant and unpleasant?    There are many pleasant and unpleasant things around us. This definition of pleasant and unpleasant varies from person to person. Even our memories are sometimes memorable or sometimes sad. Some colors are bright while some are dusty. A smell is sometimes fragrant, sometimes rodent. A sound is sometimes melodious , sometimes noisy. A surface is sometimes smooth, sometimes rough. A taste is sometimes sour, sometimes sweet. Different situations and different reactions   Like this, the situations in our life are either in favor of or against us. Everybody is happ...

The advanced but complicated world of technology!

Busy Monday morning!      After a relaxing Sunday, I got up on busy Monday morning. I saw a plethora of things starting from curtains, room doors, clothes stand, wall, lights, bed, fan, ceiling etc etc etc!!! I thought that if I would have been some 500-600 years back then I would have seen a completely different   picture. These things are the technology in itself or are created by technology. ‘We are changing the world with technology’-Steve jobs     The growing technology has completely changed the face of the world. It has put our lives completely on a new track. It has provided much more comfort in our lives. Most of the activities in our life are driven by this advanced technology. Technology like an art is a soaring exercise of human imagination:      Innovation is a by product of human artistry. Humans have gone out of the way to expand their imagination! Thus, through this, technology has taken a birth. ...