Comfort is Red


You must be feeling some ambiguity while reading this line. What this lady will be talking about? Comfort is Danger…sounding a little confusing. In fact, why did I say this??? I would like to share an experience.

 In 2015, I was geared up to join Infosys. Initially, I was against accepting the offer as the training location was Bhubaneswar instead of the much expected Mysore.  Bhubaneswar is very far away from Mumbai as compared to Mysore. In addition, I had to stay far away from my home for 3 consecutive months. It was a long period since I had never stayed away for such a long period of time. Further, getting adjusted to a  new hostel life, coping up with the tight schedule ( as we had training sessions the entire day for 5 days a week ) was another challenge. Later on , I changed my mind set. I decided to get out of the danger zone in which I was since last 20 years. With mixed feelings, I left my house and went there for training.

 What does this danger zone mean?

      Curious! Here, danger zone means our comfort zone. Why am I calling it as a danger zone? Because, it doesn’t allow us to come out of our physical and mental capacity. It thinks that we can do only the things for which we have the capability. We cannot build the extra capacity to learn and do anything new. Also, it restricts our mind set. 

Come out of comfort zone to green zone.

  Once , I was posted at a client office, while working with Infosys. I had to commute for around 2-3 hours, each back and forth, everyday , to office. It was cumbersome. In fact, I was never used to travelling for a long time, everyday, before that. Finally, I had to accept that I have to change my mind set to make me more capable for travelling long distances every day. That’s what I call it as changing your mind thoughts and getting into the green zone. For me, here, green zone was a plethora of opportunities I could get by working with one of the biggest clients of Infosys.

Cactuses in between..

 On the journey from your comfort zone to green zone, you will surely face a lot of hardships like cactuses. It will prick you and might as well force you to stretch physically and mentally. But, as we have decided our destination (i.e. green zone) let us be ready to face that.

Ending my note here. See you in next two weeks…


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