Protect our mother Earth!

 If not Earth then....?

Mercury and Venus say Dear, we have hot and Hostile climate, no protection from Sun, no water. Are you ready?

 You say no and go to Mars. Mars says ‘Dude, I can give you a space but bring your own life support as I have less Oxygen.s 

 You are not ready and approach towards Jupiter and Saturn.

  They say ,’Man, You can live with me. But you have to fly or float. Are you OK with it?’

 No, I can’t do this at all and then you ask Uranus, Neptune.

  They also kind of deny telling that they have Hostile and extreme environment with no water and and Oxygen on Uranus.

  Then, you go for Pluto but it says that you have to live around 200 Earth years to celebrate your first birthday.

Lastly, you request Moon, but it was weak atmosphere and lacks  water.

  You are not okay with anything and turn away feeling disappointed. No body is ready to take you.

  But then, who is that person who shows up when you are in a problem?

   Your mother! After seeing that no body is ready to be with you, mother Earth comes and takes you away with her, saying:

   ‘Don’t worry dear! I can take care of you. I will provide you whatever you need. Water, oxygen, food, shelter etc.’

Why only mother Earth?

We need to ask ourselves, do  we take the same amount of care as mother Earth takes care of us. What is happening to her beauty, strength? I believe,  it’s degrading gradually. And it will , if we don’t preserve the natural environment, it will sooner or later frown upon us.

The signs are all there with fire raging around Greece and in Turkey and California.

Once in a century flash floods killed hundreds in Germany, China and Belgium.

The climate is getting more Hostile and U.N said it is too late to stop some of the devastating impacts of climate change.

  In today’s developed and advanced world, we think that technology, machines, money is life. But we are forgetting that our life is made possible and liveable by this green, picturesque mother nature around us. We are nothing without it. Also, there are other creatures living in this natural ecosystem. They play their own role but we are coming in their way too....Developing human habitats in their territory, for e.g. killing trees in their forests and building complexes for residential or commercial purpose;

After all it's not yours, not mine, it’s ours. So, protect your mother , who nourishes you. We are running fast and fast; unaware of the fact that our mother  Earth , in the future, would be  losing its beauty and serenity. It nourishes us with several things , right from Oxygen, Water to various resources like, Wood, Minerals,Trees to make our living. Not only that, it also offers protection from Sun’s harmful UV rays.

So let’s pledge to protect this planet.

But how?

Let’s look at how we can protect this nature by taking small steps.

Because I believe that even the smallest efforts from each person can make a big difference!

1)      Resue-Recycle: I would divide reusable into 3 subpoints

a)       Reuse bags:Animals become victims of plastic bags thrown into the garbage , as they mistake them for food. Hence, use reusable bags for e.g. cloth bag.

b)      Reuse bottles:Instead of buying individually packaged drinks, consider buying a bulk container of the beverage you want and buying a reusable water bottle.

c)       Reuse masks: I read on the website named ‘Smithsonian’ that a penguin in Brazil swallowed a mask and a fox in UK got entangled in it. Why? Because they were not disposed off properly. Therefore, in today’s times, we can use reusable masks and if we were to use disposable ones then we must learn the ways to dispose them off properly.

2)      Hard to soft:Excessive use of paper is detrimental to the environment. Shift from Hard copy i.e. printed paper to soft copy. I.e digital document.

3)      Donate notes: We can hand over our class notes to a junior or younger siblings instead of throwing them away.

4)      Save electricity, save water: Turn of the faucet when brushing. Don’t run the shower before you go for hairwash. Use energy efficient  bulbs, turn of lights and fans when not required.

In short:

  Earth is the planet which can support life. There is a research going on for other planets too, but it is a long way where we can find a good condition to life. Till then,  let's preserve the serenity and beauty of this mother planet.


  -For initial planetary information type 'Why no life on (a planet)' and you will get it.

  -The sentences in italics:

 -Small steps:











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